On Wednesday, September 25, Stepping Stones accompanied thirty grade three children from Yongmei School to Happy Goal, an English learning center for children. Once the children arrived at Happy Goal, the excitement immediately started. The smiling staff greeted the children and began the day with a short English cartoon followed by a group vocabulary lesson. After this, the staff split the children into three teams — Ireland, Australia, and the United States — and the real fun began.

Each team had the opportunity to cycle through three classes over the next two hours. The classes included games relating to sports vocabulary, learning how to make the famous American childhood snack “ants on a log,” and a craft class where the children made their team’s flag out of construction paper.

The event helped the children learn new vocabulary and connected two communities — the Happy Goal staff and the Yongme i children. The kids left Happy Goal with high spirits but low energy, tired from a day of successful English learning.