Our Volunteer Appreciation Party was successfully held!

A Heartfelt Tribute to Volunteers

At the end of May, a season brimming with vitality and hope, Stepping Stones hosted a special volunteer gathering. This event was not only a heartfelt tribute to the selfless dedication of our volunteers but also a sincere thank you for their contributions to the cause of education.

Commitment to Quality Education

Since its establishment, Stepping Stones has remained committed to a singular mission: to ensure that every child in China can enjoy fair and quality education. In this journey, each volunteer has played an irreplaceable role. They have demonstrated their passion and dedication to education through their actions—whether online or offline, in rural areas or urban schools, their busy figures are seen everywhere. They plant the seeds of knowledge in children and illuminate their future with hope.

Reflecting and Looking Forward

At this volunteer appreciation event, we specially invited all spring volunteers to gather and reflect on the past while looking forward to the future. The venue was warmly decorated, and we prepared delicious food and an array of gifts to share with our volunteers.

Celebrating Achievements of 2024

Our project leader guided the volunteers in reviewing Stepping Stones’ achievements in the first half of 2024. We take pride in the success of our Shanghai volunteer project, the expansion of rural volunteer programs, the continued progress of remote volunteering, and the steady development of home-based volunteer programs. We are also proud of the continuous enhancement of our courses in fun languages, social-emotional learning, and digital literacy.

Sharing Stories and Growth

Behind every achievement is the hard work and selfless dedication of our volunteers. Volunteers took to the stage to share their stories and insights, allowing us to feel the moments of growth they experienced with Stepping Stones.

We also want to extend our heartfelt thanks to our sponsors. It is their support that allows Stepping Stones to move forward further and more steadily.

Looking Ahead: A Brighter Future Together

Looking to the future, Stepping Stones will continue to join hands with our volunteers to contribute more to the cause of education in China. We believe that with everyone’s joint efforts, China’s education sector will usher in a brighter tomorrow! Let us advance together, creating more hope and possibilities for the children!


And a big thank you to all the sponsors and volunteers who made this event possible:

  • Venue: Tiny Tots;
  • Food: El Fuego EducationHomeslice Pizza;
  • Lucky Draw Gifts: Rita’s Little Day, Mary Zhao;
  • Photographer/Videographer: Attila.

Thank you again to all the people who attended our VAP! We hope you had as much fun at the party as we did, and we are looking forward to celebrating with you again!