Stepping Stones and SUIS Take on Zhenlong School in Guangde!


Shanghai United International School (SUIS) and Stepping Stones spent the weekend teaching grades 1-6 in Guangde (Anhui province). Initially the high school students were nervous to be in front of the classroom, but that didn’t stop them from being dynamic and engaging teachers. The SUIS students were touched by the affection they received from the Guangde students, and by Sunday afternoon they were teaching with confidence. The SUIS students also had a hike to the Taiji caves on Sunday, and got to explore the caves by boat!

Student feedback from our SUIS trip to Guangde:

What I learned:

  •  “Being a leader and understanding how to convey ideas and organizational skills.
  •  “I’m not bad at teaching!
  • Before teaching, I expected everything to be a total nightmare since this was my first time, but it turned out to be enjoyable and perfect.

Highlight of the trip:

  • Kids shouting my name is like being a rockstar!
  • The smiles on the kids’ faces, when they light up when they see you.
  • I LOVED IT, because teaching children and making them smile is the best thing ever.
  • I hope you never stop making these trips!