From 1st August 2024,
you will find Stepping Stones staff team
back in our original home
in the Asionics Technology Centre
in Changning District,
just 1.5km from our recent home near Xujiahui!
Look Back

Stepping Stones’ first home was provided by Shanghai Rotarian and eminent philanthropist Mr Frank Yih in his Asionics Building in 2009, after a chance introduction to Stepping Stones’ founder Corinne Hua.
Until 2009, Stepping Stones was run from volunteers’ homes and coffee shops, with EF generously providing space where we could run our trainings.

Once we had our own office, we were able to use a donation to hire a volunteer coordinator, who worked alongside three volunteer staff members, enabling us to scale up and become more professional.
Subsequent Development

In its new safe space, Stepping Stones’ programs grew from strength to strength, and the team expanded over nine years from 4 to 18 staff (paid- and non-paid).

We had the privilege of sharing space and exchanging ideas with many other local non-profit organisations, including Shanghai Sunrise, Sunrise Libraries, Shanghai Rotary Club and Mr Yih’s own Huaqiao and Guofeng Foundations. We were now able to conduct all our trainings in-house.
Stepping Stones left the Asionics Centre in 2018, and after a few months of temporary shelter in a shared office space in Yangpu District, another fortuitous meeting with local educationalists Paul Mak and Nicole Cen opened up the great opportunity to share office and training space with their company Tiny Tots Educational Group as well as Essential Learning Group, Xiersen and Bauhinia Youth.

We are extremely grateful to Paul and Nicole for the five happy and fruitful years we spent in their office, and thank them for their generous support.
Our new home

Our new office address is
Room 437, Building No. 6, Lane No. 1279, West Zhongshan Road, Changning District, 200051, Shanghai.
Our phone number is still (021) 32090516.
Do call in to say hi!