Jason Wang, Volunteer

“As a secondary education major, I wasn’t sure how teaching small children was going to work, but I decided to give it a shot anyway. I’m glad I did. On the whole, the kids seem enthusiastic and eager to prove themselves. Retention is pretty good. They absorb new ideas quickly. And sure, there are some bumpy days, but I know the place isn’t Bel-Air Academy. My partner and I always tell each other if we can impart a little English on a couple dozen Chinese kids – even if it’s just “I’m from Anhui!” or “Can I sit down?” – then it’s a good day. It’s also so entertaining to be around these kids who are full of energy, from different backgrounds, with different stories and different personalities… one kid tells me his dog’s name, another kid has both pinkies up his nose all the time and another one attacks “347 + 492” when I write it on the board, as his classmates shout corrections at him. We take in so much in the space of ninety minutes. It’s pretty awesome.