Thank you lovely teachers from our Teacher Training Program.

On June 2nd we had our first ever Teacher Training Appreciation Party. The event was held at Stepping Stones’ office. The turn-out was fantastic, over 50 people in all, 37 of them English teachers from the program. All the schools were represented: HLH1, HLH2, Wanliao, Huahong, Wenhe and Zhenxing.
We made presentations, did mingle activities, played games and ate great food. A play area was made for the teachers’ children, who were very well-behaved. We watched a teaching video made by Shirley from Wanliao, and read an article published last year in the Times Educational Supplement, written by Lily from HLH1.
A big thank you to Happy Buddha for the food, and to Michael for the photos. Also, a big thank you to Frank Yih, for allowing us the use of the office space for the day. We are excited to announce that we have received funding for another year and will be working with three new schools from the fall of 2018, as well as continuing to support our six current schools!